07849 526075
Our aim at Goodwood Islamic Academy is for children to develop into self-assured, confident, happy, positive young people. Our ethos starts with a focus on each individual starting with a clear understanding of their unique needs and building a pathway to support their progression through madrasah. Our strong pastoral structure is built on a caring philosophy which nurtures positive relationships and fosters the growth of mature behaviour. We aim to develop the students' sense of responsibility and help them to become more independent as they grow.
Helping students to gain knowledge and respect for their own culture and faith, and that of others, is essential and we focus strongly on encouraging children to regard all faiths, races and cultures with respect.
Academic success is valued at all levels of performance and the classroom focus is on challenge, engagement and achievement. Learning is celebrated in all its forms.
we value:
We are working together to provide a stimulating learning environment in which our team of highly-trained staff provide quality teaching in a well resourced building to address the needs of our students in partnership with parents, shura, the GIA and the community.
Madrasah Hours
Foundation Classes: Monday to Thursday 5:00 - 7:00pm
Hifdh Class: Monday to Friday 6:00am -7:00am
5:00pm - 7:00pm
All other Classes: Monday to Friday 5:00pm -7:00pm
Everyone wants to join us! We are
currently hosting over 200 students at
our madrasah!